Engaging, interactive, keep-it-real talks to help you drive results

Want an energetic speaker that will challenge your audience to lead, interact, and “team” differently?

Kimberley Parsons offers engaging, interactive, and keep-it-real talks that will help your audience gain implementable actions they can practice right away to help their teams work together better and deliver greater results.  

Fresh and relevant topics are related to the pressure to drive strategy and results; developing higher performing teams; and leading in change and complexity.  


What every leader should know to catalyze higher team performance
Less talk, more action: How to amplify Inclusive Teaming

Catch Up on Recent Podcasts

The Power of Team Coaching with Kimberley Lewis Parsons


“What Kimberley pointed out about defining roles and responsibilities, making sure that there's no fuzziness, and that everybody knows what their piece of the puzzle is, is so important to keep everything working smoothly so that we don't go back to driving with square wheels. I love her style, her enthusiasm, her energy, her engagement, and she's very clear and concise. She has great insights as to how to help leaders help their team.”

“I appreciated her level of engagement.

I appreciated that she gave real practical solutions to some of the issues that we brought to the forefront because, as leaders, sometimes we are the resource for so many others.

We don't necessarily have a resource that we can go to to get practical solutions and Kimberley gave advice that I could apply immediately.”

“Kimberley was great. She really broke down the whole teaming idea about how we can work together. We all work independently in different silos, but when we get together and work as a team, there's nothing we can't accomplish.

Kimberley is filled with energy, she brought that sense of passion and understanding to the room, and really facilitated a great discussion.”

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