Our customized signature solutions

Great team performance doesn’t happen accidentally

Our team development solutions will help you unlock what’s been holding your team back from next level performance.

Stop wasting your time and money on one-and-done trainings and team building events that don’t create lasting change. Through these signature solutions, tailor-fit to the context of our clients, we’ve seen teams change the game in how they relate and perform. 

Tailor-fit to our clients, every time.

So many trainings fail to create lasting change for teams. That’s because training and coaching have become commoditized and frequently fail to take into account the unique needs and contexts of a given business or the individuals that make up a team. Our Signature Solutions are designed to be adapted to each client, and we take care to understand the full scope of your needs and goals before jumping in. This creates the change that you want and makes sure it will last. 

Team Coaching

Work better together, in a way that lasts. Deliver higher impact results.

As a leadership team with a high demand to deliver, you can’t afford to interact in unproductive ways that don’t get you—or the teams you lead—high-impact results. 

In our specialized approach, you’ll gain the skills you need to “team together” better in laser-focused development areas, as well as the chance to practice them in your real work until they stick. 

With an intentional focus on your growth, you’ll see sustained higher team performance that translates to higher impact results. 

Team Facilitation

Focus collective effort. Achieve strategic results.

There are critical times when your team must focus its efforts to drive toward desired outcomes. Expert facilitation can be a wise investment to make the most of your dedicated time.   

With a keen understanding of team and group dynamics and a tenacious focus on what will make the time a success, we will partner with you to design and facilitate an experience that helps you achieve strategic results in areas that matter most to you. 

Whether it’s coming together offsite to develop strategy, remedy a challenging situation, design the next big solution for the company, or simply build stronger relationships with one another, we’ve got you covered.

Team Insight Labs

Face challenges with new capability. Jumpstart team effectiveness.

Every team has those few hairy areas that stymie their relationships or performance.  Training alone is often not enough to “unfreeze” your teaming problem area and jumpstart your effectiveness.  

Our solution isn’t your everyday, boring team training. Our Insight Labs are laser-focused on areas that impact your real work, and they are fast-paced, right-mixed with learning and doing, and pragmatic. You’ll ignite discovery in a relevant focus area, unlock new capabilities that can be applied, and come away with practical actions that can be implemented right away. 


  • Is your culture dragging down your team’s performance? Are people holding onto old ways of doing things, playing it safe, or not speaking up out of fear of what will happen?

    Leadership Culture Reboot makes your intangible culture visible and defines your desired culture so you can finally close the gap. By assessing both the current and desired leadership cultures and understanding the role of each leader in fostering the culture, you’ll reveal what the team needs to address. With an action plan in hand, we’ll reboot and grow in the direction of a more productive culture that enables your team’s success.

    The Collective Leadership Assessment™ and The Leadership Circle Profile assessments are used to reboot.

  • Centralize or decentralize? Innovate or stay the same? Your team doesn’t have to be caught in the back-and-forth pendulum of problem-solving. There is another way.

    Your world is too complex to boil solutions down to either-or thinking. In this insights lab, your team will learn how to navigate the wicked problems you face by getting the upsides of solutions that may first seem at odds with each other. Through this results-focused experience, your team will stop wasting precious time on problem-solving when leveraging polarity thinking will get you to better outcomes.

    Key Polarity Indicator™ assessments are used to shift.

  • Does your team acknowledge that diversity is important but doesn’t know how to spark real change? Are there obstacles blocking your ability to take the next step?

    Amplify Inclusive Teaming equips leaders with a greater awareness of how they can be an agent for lasting change in their teams, among peers, and throughout their organization. By learning about the barriers to inclusive teaming and exploring remedies that help people overcome them, your leaders will be able to make a plan and take the most impactful steps to bring more inclusion to their teams.

  • Are you still trying to figure out how everyone on your team prefers to work? Does it seem like the team has a blind spot but can’t quite figure it out?

    In the Team Profile Mapping lab, you will uncover team member preferences and utilize those insights to be more effective in your interactions. You’ll also explore your full team profile, identifying the types of work the team as a whole prefers to engage in and where there might be conflicts in work types critical to the team’s effectiveness. Mapping and understanding the team’s profile will position you to accelerate your team’s performance by solving issues that have already arisen and preventing those that have not yet appeared.

Team Management Profile™ assessments are used to map.

Executive Coaching

Increase leadership capacity. Drive greater results with and through others.

Are you the leader of a team who knows that you need to lead differently to get the desired results out of your team? As a leader, you are a critical bridge to your team’s engagement, satisfaction, and performance. 

If you’ve ever looked at your team and wondered what their performance and dynamic says about you, you’ll find your answer here. We’ve built our Executive Coaching specifically for leaders of teams who want to grow so their teams can thrive.

Our experienced team of executive coaches will partner with you to help you expand, shift, and refine your leadership to be more effective. The results will cascade to the rest of your team, providing a performance boost to your team and business results.  

Ready to build a more successful team?

Don’t wait.
Let’s start customizing your solution today.